Unable to Complete Login

We were unable to complete your login. Your user account is not currently authorized to access PacificSource InTouch for Providers.

InTouch was not able to locate any provider records in our system that match up with any of the Tax IDs we received with your OneHealthPort user account information during login.

Your OneHealthPort Administrator set up your user account with one or more Tax IDs, but to date, we have not created any provider records in our system that use those specific Tax IDs or received claims billed to those Tax IDs.

As part of securing InTouch provider and member data for all provider users our security policy requires at least one matching provider record, otherwise access to InTouch cannot be granted.

Support Options
Please coordinate with your OneHealthPort Administrator to verify the list of Tax IDs your user account can access.

For questions regarding provider record setup in our system please contact our Provider Network Department.

You may also contact your office’s Provider Service Representative directly.

PacificSource Health Plans
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